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- Some dude
How about giving this a listen?
Set 1: Burgundy, Baby, Navy Ships > Sand in the Air, Pink Flamingos, Pineapple. Two.
Set 2: Tomato Soup > Green Flag, Sienna Stone, Bronze Sky, Rusty-Head > Mint Madness
Set 3: Coral Cape > Spearmint Stare, Lemon Cake, Hazel Eyes, Paisley in Paris
Set 4: Mauve Medallion > Hazel Eyes, Quite a Gray Day
Set 5: Cherry Pie > Quite a Gray Day > Cherry Pie
Set 6: Grey Goose, Tomato Soup > Indigo Way, Black Hole Sun, Aqua Fresh
Set 7: Sienna Stone > Marooned, Chocolate Bar[1] > Sienna Stone
Encore: Teal Toes, The Orangest Orange, Tomato Soup Reprise
2nd Encore: Vanta like a Manta
3rd Encore: That Lilac Smell, Yellow Sun